Sunday 30 September 2018

Welcome to Third Grade!

Welcome, Mrs. Gallè's Gurus! My name is Sarah Gallè. I graduated from Grand Canyon University with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and Special Education with a certification in teaching English as a second Language.I am bilingual in English and Spanish and am currently working on a Master's of Business Administration in Marketing. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you over this fun year I have planned.

This classroom is a safe learning environment, full of autonomy. Your student will be free to be themselves and express themselves in whichever appropriate way they choose. In this classroom, we celebrate differences and are unafraid to give an incorrect answer. In this classroom, we will treat each other with respect, kindness, and love. We will respect differences of opinion, religion, race, etc., and learn from one another. We have autonomy in this classroom and that comes with accountability. The goal for this year is to teach responsibility for ones self and their actions.

Behavioral Expectations:
The top three rules for this classroom are as follows: Respect yourself and those around you, show kindness to everyone you encounter, and follow directions from others.There are two posters hanging in the room. One with rules, and the other with consequences. Because we have autonomy, when a rule is broken, the student is responsible for choosing their own consequence for not following through on the rules expected. 

Additionally, digital citizenship plays a large role in this classroom. Students will be allowed to take Accelerated Reading tests on the computer and will be allowed to use library computers for research. However, prior to having access to these resources, a digital citizenship contract must be signed by the parent and the student. This contract includes only using the computer for its purpose of research or tests, not including any personal information on the web, and not engaging in abusive or bullying behavior via the internet. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in loss of computer privileges for the remainder of the year. 

This classroom will adhere fairly closely to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum. For example: in language arts, we will be covering reading skills with how to best absorb and communicate things such as plot, antagonist, protagonist, etc. We will be reading The Harlem Charade together as a class and each student will be required to complete a 400 word reflection on this book at the end of the year. 

Practices and Policies
I am available through my school email and office phone number. Additionally, I have provided a Google voice number set up for any school-related inquiries. My office hours are from 7am-8am, and 3:30pm-5pm, Monday-Friday. Late work will be accepted and depending on the situation, points may be deducted for late submissions. If there is an emergency and your student will be missing class for more than one day, please email me as soon as possible and I will send you the work for your student to complete. Folders with homework and a homework checklist will be sent home daily. Please go over the list with your student and sign it to have your student return to me. Quarterly grade updates will be sent out on progress reports. However, should you desire to know how your child is doing in this class, please fill out this form and I will update you within 4 school days. 

Rules and Consequences
The disciplinary system will be the classic stop light colored card system. If a student infringes on a rule or is warned more than once about something that is disruptive, they will be asked to pull their card from green to yellow. Having a day on green means that they behaved respectfully and according to the rules throughout the day. A yellow card means they had a few mishaps and were not adhering to the guidelines set forth in the classroom. A red card means a consequence that aligns with the infringement. If a student winds up with a red card because of disrespect to another student, they will be asked to write that student an apology note, if they have a red card due to disruptive behavior, a note will go home.

Reward System
I have decided to use the marble jar system as a reward system with a spin on it. After reading the book “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud, I will explain to my students that when I see them “filling” their peer’s buckets, I will add some marbles to our classroom jar. Once the jar is full, we will celebrate with a pizza party. 

Each student will be graded fairly. Each assignment will be graded with a rubric. If your student receives fewer than 70/100 points on any assignment, they will have the opportunity to redo it for more points, but with a slight penalty. 

Three ways I intend to communicate with you are through email, notes in folders, and the teacher app and gradebook. I intend to use the email for more formal updates, needing to set up meetings, communication about events, etc. I would like to keep the notes home to positive and encouraging communication about my students. Everyone needs an “attaboy” every now and then and I believe that breaking the stigma about notes home from the teacher and keeping them positive will help form social and emotional maturity in the student because it will give them confidence. The Teacher app and gradebook will be used for grade posting and reminders about events such as parent teacher conferences. It will also be used for reminders about projects, so students can be prepared and have a sense of responsibility. 

How to get a hold of me
I am available via email, office phone, notes, or Google Voice. I will answer every email and voicemail in a timely manner. I will be unavailable to answer any questions after 5pm on Friday afternoons until Monday morning as this is the time I have set aside for my family. However, if there is an emergency, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate you.